RFC 100 (rfc100) - Page 1 of 37

Categorization and guide to NWG/RFCs

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                             P. Karp
Request for Comments: XXXX                                          MITRE
NIC: 5761                                                26 February 1971

                  Categorization and Guide to NWG/RFCs

   The NWG/RFC Guide is an attempt to introduce some order into the
   NWG/RFC series, which now numbers 102.  The Guide categorizes the
   NWG/RFC notes, identifies topics under discussion and the relevant
   NWG/RFCs, and indicates whether the notes are current, obsolete, or

   A minimum subset of NWG/RFCs is identified.  This subset consists of
   the NWG/RFCs that one should read to quickly become familiar with the
   current status of topics.

   For historical reasons and for readers interested in tracing through
   the stages of development of a topic, a brief summary is given for
   each NWG/RFC relevant to a particular category.

   This initial Guide is being issued as a NWG/RFC since it establishes
   the basis for future releases.  So, please comment! Suggestions,
   criticism, corrections, etc., will be accepted for a period of
   approximately two weeks.  Be critical as I have not had to implement
   an NCP and probably have some misconceptions regarding various
   technical points.  An official version will be released on March 26.
   The Guide will then be a unique series of documents, separate from
   NWG/RFCs (as is the Document No. 1, No. 2 series).

   With regard to renumbering NWG/RFCs, I am inclined to keep she
   sequential numbering scheme presently employed.  The main reason for
   this position is that the current numbers have both historical and
   semantic significance.  For example, reference to "#33, #66, #83,
   etc." is a convenient shorthand (reminiscent of the old corny joke
   about joke #s) used extensively during meetings.  The list of
   "current status" NWG/RFC numbers should dispel any fear of
   maintaining stacks of NWG/RFCs for quick reference.  The subject is
   not closed, however, and I will entertain any objections,
   suggestions, etc.


   The NWG/RFC notes are partitioned into 9 categories, which in turn
   are divided into subcategories.  For each category the official
   document (if any), unresolved issues, and documents to be published
   are identified.
