RFC 1010 (rfc1010) - Page 1 of 44

Assigned numbers

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                        J. Reynolds
Request for Comments:  1010                                    J. Postel
Obsoletes RFCs: 990, 960, 943, 923, 900, 870,                   May 1987
820, 790, 776, 770, 762, 758,
755, 750, 739, 604, 503, 433, 349
Obsoletes IENs: 127, 117, 93

                            ASSIGNED NUMBERS

Status of this Memo

   This memo is an official status report on the numbers used in
   protocols in the Internet community.  Distribution of this memo is


   This Network Working Group Request for Comments documents the
   currently assigned values from several series of numbers used in
   network protocol implementations.  This RFC will be updated
   periodically, and in any case current information can be obtained
   from Joyce Reynolds.  If you are developing a protocol or application
   that will require the use of a link, socket, port, protocol, etc.,
   please contact Joyce to receive a number assignment.

      Joyce K. Reynolds
      USC - Information Sciences Institute
      4676 Admiralty Way
      Marina del Rey, California  90292-6695

      Phone: (213) 822-1511

      Electronic mail: 

   Most of the protocols mentioned here are documented in the RFC series
   of notes.  Some of the items listed are undocumented.  Further
   information on protocols can be found in the memo "Official Internet
   Protocols" [91].  The more prominent and more generally used are
   documented in the "DDN Protocol Handbook, Volume Two, DARPA Internet
   Protocols" [36] prepared by the NIC.  Other collections of older or
   obsolete protocols are contained in the "Internet Protocol Transition
   Workbook" [57], or in the "ARPANET Protocol Transition Handbook"
   [38].  For further information on ordering the complete 1985 DDN
   Protocol Handbook, write: SRI International (SRI-NIC), DDN Network
   Information Center, Room EJ291, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Meno Park,
   CA., 94025; or call: 1-800-235-3155.

   In the entries below, the name and mailbox of the responsible
   individual is indicated.  The bracketed entry, e.g., [nn,iii], at the

Reynolds & Postel