RFC 105 (rfc105) - Page 1 of 9

Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job Output Retrieval at UCSB

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Network Working Group                                     James E. White
Request for Comments: 105                         Computer Research Lab.
Category: Informational                         University of California
                                               Santa Barbara, California
                                                              March 1971

                       Network Specifications for
                            Remote Job Entry
                      Remote Job Output Retrieval
                                at UCSB

     In the discussions that follow, 'byte' means 8 bits, with those
eight bits numbered 0-7 from left to right.

I - Remote Job Entry (RJE)

     UCSB will accept input of pseudo card files for batch processing
at socket number x'200', site 3.  Network users should obtain an
account number from the UCSB Computer Center; account #1025,
programmer names 'UCLA', 'SRI', 'UTAH', etc. may be used during
checkout.  The 360/75 runs under OS MVT and HASP.  Users submit jobs
to HASP for scheduling and subsequent execution by OS through an
intermediary process hereafter called RJE which is addressed as socket
number x'200' and can be invoked through the Logger.  This section is
intended to provide programmers with the information necessary to
communicate with RJE; the is assumed familiar with the batch services
offered by the Computer Center, and with its job control language
(JCL) requirements.

     RJE conducts all Network transactions through the NCP, which
operates under the Host-Host protocol of 3 August 1970.  It expects
the first message it receives to be Type 0, discards the first eight
bits (the message type) assuming them to be zeros, and thereafter for
the life of the connection takes no notice of IMP-message boundaries.

I.A - Logging into RJE

     To submit one or more jobs for batch processing, the Network user
must establish a simplex connection with RJE.  RJE is core resident
only while such a simplex connection is established (i.e., while a
user is transmitting a file).  At all other times, it resides on
direct-access storage and must be invoked through the Logger.  A login
sequence can always be initiated by requesting connection to socket
x'200'.  RJE does not serve multiple users simultaneously.  This if a
connection request is made to that socket while RJE is in use, the NCP
will queue the request.  When the current file transmission is
