RFC 1108 (rfc1108) - Page 3 of 17
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RFC 1108 U.S. DOD Security Option November 1991
2.3. Classification Level
Field Length: One Octet
This field specifies the (U.S.) classification level at which the
datagram must be protected. The information in the datagram must be
protected at this level. The field is encoded as shown in Table 1
and the order of values in this table defines the ordering for
comparison purposes. The bit string values in this table were chosen
to achieve a minimum Hamming distance of four (4) between any two
valid values. This specific assignment of classification level names
to values has been defined for compatibility with security devices
which have already been developed and deployed.
"Reserved" values in the table must be treated as invalid until such
time they are assigned to named classification levels in a successor
to this document. A datagram containing a value for this field which
is either not in this table or which is listed as "reserved" is in
error and must be processed according to the "out-of-range"
procedures defined in section 2.8.1.
A classification level value from the Basic Security Option in a
datagram may be checked for equality against any of the (assigned)
values in Table 1 by performing a simple bit string comparison.
However, because of the sparseness of the classification level
encodings, range checks involving a value from this field must not be
performed based solely using arithmetic comparisons (as such
comparisons would encompass invalid and or unassigned values within
the range). The details of how ordered comparisons are performed for
this field within a system is a local matter, subject to the
requirements set forth in this paragraph.
Table 1. Classification Level Encodings
Value Name
00000001 - (Reserved 4)
00111101 - Top Secret
01011010 - Secret
10010110 - Confidential
01100110 - (Reserved 3)
11001100 - (Reserved 2)
10101011 - Unclassified
11110001 - (Reserved 1)