RFC 1196 (rfc1196) - Page 1 of 12

Finger User Information Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                       D. Zimmerman
Request for Comments: 1196           Center for Discrete Mathematics and
Obsoletes: RFCs 1194, 742                   Theoretical Computer Science
                                                           December 1990

                  The Finger User Information Protocol

Status of this Memo

   This memo defines a protocol for the exchange of user information.
   This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This memo describes the Finger User Information Protocol.  This is a
   simple protocol which provides an interface to a remote user
   information program.

   Based on RFC 742, a description of the original Finger protocol, this
   memo attempts to clarify the expected communication between the two
   ends of a Finger connection.  It also tries not to invalidate the
   many existing implementations or add unnecessary restrictions to the
   original protocol definition.  This edition corrects and clarifies in
   a minor way, RFC 1194.

Table of Contents

1.      Introduction  ...........................................   2
  1.1.    Intent  ...............................................   2
  1.2.    History  ..............................................   3
  1.3.    Requirements  .........................................   3
2.      Use of the protocol  ....................................   3
  2.1.    Flow of events  .......................................   3
  2.2.    Data format  ..........................................   4
  2.3.    Query specifications  .................................   4
  2.4.    RUIP {Q2} behavior  ...................................   4
  2.5.    Expected RUIP response  ...............................   5
    2.5.1.  {C} query  ..........................................   5
    2.5.2.  {U}{C} query  .......................................   6
    2.5.3.  {U} ambiguity  ......................................   6
    2.5.4.  /W query token  .....................................   6
    2.5.5.  Vending machines  ...................................   7
3.      Security  ...............................................   7
