RFC 1204 (rfc1204) - Page 1 of 6

Message Posting Protocol (MPP)

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                             S. Yeh
Request for Comments: 1204                                        D. Lee
                                              Netix Communications, Inc.
                                                           February 1991

                     Message Posting Protocol (MPP)

Status of this Memo

   This memo describes a protocol for posting messages from workstations
   (e.g., PCs) to a mail service host.  This RFC specifies an
   Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.  Discussion and
   suggestions for improvement are requested.  Please refer to the
   current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the
   standardization state and status of this protocol.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   Operating systems for personal computers do not provide a mechanism
   for user authentication.  However, such a mechanism is crucial for
   electronic mail system since authenticating message sender's identity
   is important in preventing mail forgery.  Hence, adding personal
   computers to an electronic mail network requires an agent (message
   posting server) to authenticate sender's identity and then submit
   mail to the message delivery system (e.g., Sendmail, MMDF) on behalf
   of the sender at a PC.  The Netix Message Posting Protocol is
   developed to be the interface between the message posting server and
   the PC (client).  The protocol is designed to use TCP and is based on
   the command and reply structures defined for Simple Mail Transfer
   Protocol (RFC 821) and File Transfer Protocol (RFC 959).


2.1.  Command List


2.2.  Reply List

      220 Message Posting Service Ready.
      221 Closing Connection.
      250 Command OK.

Yeh & Lee