RFC 1211 (rfc1211) - Page 1 of 54

Problems with the maintenance of large mailing lists

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         A. Westine
Request for Comments:  1211                                    J. Postel
                                                              March 1991

          Problems with the Maintenance of Large Mailing Lists

Status of this Memo

   This RFC discusses problems with maintaining large mailing lists,
   especially the processing of error reports.  This memo provides
   information for the Internet community.  It does not specify an
   Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

   1.   Introduction..............................................   1
   2.   Discussion................................................   1
   3.   Typical Problems..........................................   3
   3.1. Misdirected Error Reports.................................   3
   3.2. Sublists..................................................   3
   3.3. Misdirected Requests......................................   5
   3.4. Misdirected Messages......................................   5
   4.   Summary...................................................   5
   APPENDIX A - I used to be on the List..........................   6
   APPENDIX B - Changing Addresses and Sublists...................   8
   APPENDIX C - Sublists and Other Protocol Worlds................   9
   APPENDIX D - Errors from Hidden Hosts..........................  10
   APPENDIX E - No Postmaster.....................................  12
   APPENDIX F - Examples of Error Messages........................  14
   5.   Security Considerations...................................  53
   6.   Authors' Addresses........................................  54

1.  Introduction

   Maintaining large mailing lists, especially the processing of error
   reports, poses many problems.  Most of the examples come from the
   experience of managing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
   mailing list.  Many examples are presented in this memo.  Most of the
   specific problems shown have already been corrected.

2. Discussion

   At USC - Information Sciences Institute (ISI) we maintain mailing
   lists for the Internet Research Groups, the IETF, and other Internet
   groups; about 25 lists altogether.  We receive about 400 messages a
   month requesting additions or deletions to these lists.  There are

Westine & Postel