RFC 1270 (rfc1270) - Page 1 of 11

SNMP Communications Services

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                              F. Kastenholz, Editor
Request for Comments: 1270               Clearpoint Research Corporation
                                                            October 1991

                      SNMP Communications Services

Status of This Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is

Table of Contents

   1. Abstract ..............................................    1
   2. Introduction ..........................................    1
   3. Standardization .......................................    3
   4. Interoperability ......................................    3
   5. To Transport or Not To Transport ......................    3
   6. Connection Oriented vs. Connectionless ................    6
   7. Which Protocol ........................................    8
   8. Security Considerations ...............................    9
   9. Appendix ..............................................    9
   10. References ...........................................   10
   11. Acknowledgements .....................................   11
   12. Author's Address .....................................   11

1.  Abstract

   This memo is being distributed to members of the Internet community as
   an Informational RFC.  The intent is to present a discussion on the
   issues relating to the communications services for SNMP.  While the
   issues discussed may not be directly relevant to the research problems
   of the Internet, they may be interesting to a number of researchers
   and implementors.

2.  Introduction

   This document discusses various issues to be considered when
   determining the underlying communications services to be used by an
   SNMP implementation.

   As reported in RFC 1052, IAB Recommendations for the Development of
   Internet Network Management Standards [8], a two-prong strategy for
   network management of TCP/IP-based internets was undertaken.  In the
   short-term, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), defined in
   RFC 1067, was to be used to manage nodes in the Internet community.

SNMP Working Group