RFC 1329 (rfc1329) - Page 1 of 28

Thoughts on Address Resolution for Dual MAC FDDI Networks

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                           P. Kuehn
Request for Comments: 1329                                      May 1992

       Thoughts on Address Resolution for Dual MAC FDDI Networks

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is

1. Abstract

   In this document an idea is submitted how IP and ARP can be used on
   inhomogeneous FDDI networks (FDDI networks with single MAC and dual
   MAC stations) by introducing a new protocol layer in the protocol
   suite of the dual MAC stations.  Thus two dual MAC stations are able
   to do a load splitting across the two rings and use the double
   bandwidth of 200 Mbits/s as single MAC stations.  The new layer is an
   extension of layer 3.  For the user, the higher layer protocols, IP
   and ARP the property "dual MAC" is transparent.  No modification is
   required in the protocol suite of single MAC stations and transparent

2. Acknowledgements

   This paper is a result of a diploma thesis prepared at the Technical
   University of Munich, Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationsnetze, in co-
   operation with the Siemens Nixdorf AG.  The author would like to
   thank Jrg Eberspher and Bernhard Edmaier from the university, Andreas
   Thimmel and Jens Horstmeier from the SNI AG at Augsburg for the
   helpful comments and discussions.

3. Conventions

   Primary MAC, P-MAC           MAC, placed on the primary ring
   Secondary MAC, S-MAC         MAC, placed on the secondary ring
   Inhomogeneous ring           configuration of a dual FDDI ring with
                                single MAC and dual MAC stations

   DMARP                        Dual MAC Address Resolution Protocol

4. Assumptions

   When a dual FDDI ring wraps, both MACs in a dual MAC station are
   assumed to remain connected to the ring.  ANSI is just investigating
   whether the Configuration Management in the Station Management of a
