RFC 1357 (rfc1357) - Page 1 of 13

A Format for E-mailing Bibliographic Records

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                           D. Cohen
Request For Comments: 1357                                        Editor
                                                               July 1992

              A Format for E-mailing Bibliographic Records

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.
   It does not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This memo defines a format for E-mailing bibliographic records of
   technical reports.  It is intended to accelerate the dissemination
   of information about new Computer Science Technical Reports (CS-TR).


   Many Computer Science R&D organizations routinely announce new
   technical reports by mailing (via the postal services) the
   bibliographic records of these reports.

   These mailings have non-trivial cost and delay.  In addition, their
   recipients cannot conveniently file them, electronically, for later
   retrieval and searches.

   Therefore, it is suggested that the publishing organizations would
   e-mail these announcements by using the following format.

   Organizations may automate to any degree (or not at all) both the
   creation of these records (about their own publications) and the
   handling of the records received from other organizations.

   This format is designed to be simple, for people and for machines,
   to be easy to read ("human readable") and create without any special
   programs, and to be compatible with E-mail.

   This format defines how bibliographic records are to be transmitted.
   It does not define what to do with them when received.

   This format is a "tagged" format with self-explaining alphabetic
   tags. It should be possible to prepare and to read bibliographic
   records using any text editor, without any special programs.

Cohen (ed.)