RFC 1373 (rfc1373) - Page 1 of 12

Portable DUAs

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            T. Tignor
Request for Comments: 1373                                             ISI
                                                              October 1992

                             PORTABLE DUAs

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is


   This document comes in two parts. The first part is for regular
   people who wish to set up their own DUAs (Directory User Interfaces)
   to access the Directory. It includes some brief notes on the
   operation of the DUAs and instructions for their creation and
   installation. The instructions are given in an easy-to-follow, step-
   by-step format. It is fully expected that the user will be able to
   perform the necessary operations as he reads through the instructions
   for the first time and have a working DUA when he finishes. The
   second part is for ISODE-maintainers wishing to provide portable DUAs
   to users. This part gives instructions in a similar but longer,
   step-by-step format. It is fully expected that the maintainer will be
   able to perform the necessary operations as he reads through the
   instructions for the first time and have a working DUA
   package/supporting service when he finishes.

   The document currently has four sub-parts for each larger part. The
   sub-parts detail the following DUAs: WHOIS, "de," dixie's "ud" and
   ISODE's "doog." It is intended that additional sub-parts will be
   added to the document as new, portable DUA packages are designed.

   Where pertinent, the document assumes ISODE 8.0 is being used.

   1.  Instructions for DUA-Users


   A WHOIS interface to X.500 may be available on any ISODE-resident
   machine which also runs a DSA (Directory System Agent.) Check with
   your local, ISODE-maintainer. If the service is available, users can
   access the Directory with the following command:

        whois -h 
