RFC 1514 (rfc1514) - Page 3 of 33

Host Resources MIB

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 1514                   Host Resources MIB             September 1993

2.  Host Resources MIB

   The Host Resources MIB defines a uniform set of objects useful for
   the management of host computers.  Host computers  are independent of
   the operating system, network services, or any software application.

   The Host Resources MIB defines objects which are common across many
   computer system architectures.

   In addition, there are objects in MIB-II [3] which also provide host
   management functionality. Implementation of the System and Interfaces
   groups is mandatory for implementors of the Host Resources MIB.

3.  Definitions


       OBJECT-TYPE               FROM RFC-1212
       DisplayString             FROM RFC 1213-MIB
       Counter, Gauge            FROM RFC 1155-SMI;

   host     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 25 }

   hrSystem        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 1 }
   hrStorage       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 2 }
   hrDevice        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 3 }
   hrSWRun         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 4 }
   hrSWRunPerf     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 5 }
   hrSWInstalled   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 6 }

   -- textual conventions

   -- a truth value
   Boolean ::=   INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }

   -- memory size, expressed in units of 1024bytes
   KBytes ::=    INTEGER (0..2147483647)

   -- This textual convention is intended to identify the manufacturer,
   -- model, and version of a specific hardware or software product.
   -- It is suggested that these OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are allocated such
   -- that all products from a particular manufacturer are registered
   -- under a subtree distinct to that manufacturer.  In addition, all

Grillo & Waldbusser