RFC 155 (rfc155) - Page 1 of 1

ARPA Network mailing lists

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ARPA NETWORK MAILING LISTS      May 1971        RFC 155         NIC 6760

                        LIST TO RECEIVE RFC'S

Note:  This list includes all Network Liaisons and others who should
receive initial distribution of formal documents.  It supersedes RFC 95,
and corresponds to Current Directory of Network Participants, NIC 5799.

AMES                                    CCA

James A. Jeske                          Richard Winter
Mail Stop 233-10                        Computer Corporation of America
NASA Ames Research Center               565 Technology Square
Moffett Field, Calif. 94035             Cambridge, Mass. 02139

ARC                                     CMU

John T. Melvin                          Harold R. Van Zoeren
Stanford Research Institute             Carnegie-Mellon University
Augmentation Research Center            Computer Science Department
333 Ravenswood Avenue                   Schenley Park
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025                Pittsburgh, Pa 15213


Richard W. Watson                       Robert Sundberg
Stanford Research Institute             Harvard University
Augmentation Research Center            Aiken Computation Laboratory
333 Ravenswood Avenue                   33 Oxford Street
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025                Cambridge, Mass. 02138


Jeanne B. North                         James Madden
Stanford Research Institute             University of Illinois
Augmentation Research Center            Center for Advanced Computation
333 Ravenswood Avenue                   168 Engineering Research Laboratory
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025                Urbana, Illinois 61801

ARPA                                    LINC

Dr. Lawrence G. Roberts                 Joel Winett (for the 360)
Advanced Research Projects Agency       Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1400 Wilson Boulevard                   Lincoln Laboratory
Arlington, Virginia 22209               244 Wood Street
                                        Lexington, Mass. 02173

BBN-SCI                                 William Kantrowitz (for the TX-2)
                                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dan Murphy                              Lincoln Laboratory
Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.            244 Wood Street
50 Moulton Street                       Lexington, Mass 02173
Cambridge, Mass. 02138
                                        Albert Vezza
Alex McKenzie                           Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.            Project MAC
50 Moulton Street                       545 Technology Square
Cambridge, Mass. 02138                  Cambridge, Mass. 02139

CASE                                    MITRE

John Barden                             David Wood
Case Western Reserve University         MITRE Corporation
Computing and Information Sciences      Information Systems Dept., W140
Room 222, Crawford Hall                 Westgate Research Park
10900 Euclid Avenue                     McLean, Va. 22101
Cleveland, Ohio 44106

NETWORK MAILING LISTS   May 1971        RFC 155    NIC 6760

NBS                                     UCLA-NMC

Thomas N Pyke, Jr.                      Ari Ollikainen
National Bureau of Standards            University of California at Los Angeles
Center for Computer Sciences and        Computer Science Department
   Technology                           3732 Boelter Hall
Washington, D.C. 20234                  Los Angeles, Calif. 90024

RADC                                    Steve Crocker (for ARPA Office Liaison)
                                        University of California at Los Angeles
Thomas Lawrence                         Computer Science Department
Rome Air Development Center (ISIM)      3732 Boelter Hall
Griffiss Air Force Base                 Los Angeles, Calif. 90024
Rome, New York  13440

RAND                                    UCSB

John Heafner                            James White
Rand Corporation                        University of California at Santa
Computer Science Department                Barbara
1700 Main Street                        Computer Research Laboratory
Santa Monica, Calif. 90406              Santa Barbara, Calif. 93106

SDC                                     USC

Abe Landsberg                           Dr. Richard E. Kaplan
System Development Corporation          University of Southern California
2500 Colorado Avenue                    School of Engineering
Santa Monica, Calif. 90406              Los Angeles, Calif. 90007

SRIAI                                   UTAH

Michael Wilber                          Barry D. Wessler
Stanford Research Institute             University of Utah
Artificial Intelligence Group           Computer Science/IRL
333 Ravenswood Avenue                   Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025


James A. (Andy) Moorer
Stanford University
Computation Center, AI Project
Stanford, Calif. 94305


Edward A. Feigenbaum
Stanford University, Heuristic Programming
Department of Computer Science
Serra House
Stanford, Calif. 94305


Robert Braden
University of California at Los Angeles
5306 Math Sciences Building
Los Angeles, Calif. 90024

NETWORK MAILING LISTS   May 1971        RFC 155         NIC 6760

                        Current RFC addressees not sites:


Charles Simonyi
Berkeley Computer Corporation
2131 - 4th Street
Berkeley, Calif. 94710


C. D. Shepard
Canadian Computer Communications Task Force
100 Metcalfe Street
4th Floor
Ottawa 2,


John Le Gates
100 Charles River Plaza
Boston, Mass. 02114


Douglas McKay
IBM Watson Research Center
P. O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598


Alfred Cocanower
MERIT Computer Network
611 Church Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104


Thomas O'Sullivan
Raytheon Data Systems
1415 Boston-Providence Turnpike
Norwood, Mass. 02062


Marianne Pepper
Washington University
Computer Systems Laboratory
724 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, Mo. 63110

NETWORK MAILING LISTS   May 1971        RFC 155         NIC 6760

                     NIC STATION AGENTS:

AMES                                     ILL

Stan Golding                             Nan Brown
Mail Stop 233-13                         University of Illinois
NASA Ames Research Center                Center for Advanced Computation
Moffett Field, Calif. 94035              168 Engineering Research Laboratory
                                         Urbana, Ill. 61801
Cindy Page
Stanford Research Institute              Carol Mostrom
Augmentation Research Center             Massachusetts Institute of Technology
333 Ravenswood Ave.                      Lincoln Laboratory
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025                 244 Wood Street
                                         Lexington, Mass. 02173
Margaret Goering
Advanced Research Projects Agency        Frances L. Yost
1400 Wilson Boulevard                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Arlington, Va. 22209                     Project MAC
                                         545 Technology Square
BBN-SCI                                  Cambridge, Mass. 02139

Steve Chipman                            MITRE
Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
50 Moulton Street                        David Wood
Cambridge, Mass. 02138                   Mitre Corporation
                                         Information Systems Dept. W140
BBN-SYS                                  Westgate Research Park
                                         McLean, Va. 22101
                                         Mrs. Shirley Watkins
John Harden                              National Bureau of Standards
Case Western Reserve University          Bldg. 255, Room B216
Computing and Information Sciences       Washington, D.C. 20234
10900 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44106                    RADC

CCA                                      Marcelle Petell
                                         Rome Air Development Center (ISIM)
Martha Ginsberg                          Griffiss Air Force Base

Computer Corporation of America          Rome, New York 13440
565 Technology Square
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
                                         Linda Connelly
Carolyn Lisle                            Rand Corporation
Carnegie-Mellon University               Computer Science Department
Computer Science Department              1700 Main Street
Schenley Park                            Santa Monica, Calif. 90406
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213

                                         Judith C. Needham
Robert Sundberg                          System Development Corporation
Harvard University                       Information Processing Information
Aiken Computation Laboratory                Center
33 Oxford Street                         2500 Colorado Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138                      Santa Monica, Calif. 90406
NETWORK MAILING LISTS   May 1971        RFC 155         NIC 6760


Rilla Reynolds
Stanford Research Institute
Artificial Intelligence Group
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025


Barbara Barnett
Stanford University
Artificial Intelligence Project
D.C. Power Lab
Stanford, Calif. 94305


Carol Wilkinson
Stanford University
Serra House
Heuristic Programming Project
Stanford, Calif. 94305


Imogen Beattie
University of California at Los Angeles
3531 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, Calif. 90024


Anita Coley
University of California at Los Angeles
Computer Science Department

3732 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, Calif. 90024


Elizabeth Gibson
University of California at Santa Barbara
Computer Research Laboratory
Santa Barbara, Calif. 93106


Merilee Osterboudt
University of Southern California
Olin Hall of Engineering
Room 340
Los Angeles, Calif. 90007


Nancy Bruderer
University of Utah
Computer Science/IRL
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

        [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
        [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
        [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]