RFC 174 (rfc174) - Page 1 of 3

UCLA - Computer Science Graphics Overview

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

NWG                                                    J. Postel, V. Cerf
RFC # 174                                              UCLA-NMC
NIC # 6799                                             Computer Science
Categories: D.6,I.1                                    8 June 71
References: 134
Obsoletes: none

                UCLA-Computer Science Graphics Overview

I. Hardware

   A.  Imlac PDS-1

      We have 2 PDS-1 graphics consoles each with 8K 16 bit words
      of memory.

      The display screens are mounted with the long axis vertical.

   B.  DEC 340

      We have a DEC 340 Display Station with a light pen.  Associ-
      ated with the station are a Rand Tablet and a Lincoln Wand.
      There is a display processor which drives the DEC 340 which
      reads its instruction from the XDS Sigma 7 memory via dedi-
      cated memory port.

II. Software

   A.  Imlacs

      We have not as yet developed any software for the PDS-1.
      We have used the Imlac provided text and graphics support
      software to utilize the PDS-1's as alphameric and limited
      graphics consoles (at 1200 baud).

      These are used only with the SEX timesharing system.

   B.  DEC 340

      We have over several years developed a package of Library
      routines* which interface to FORTRAN programs for use with
      the DEC 340 and its associated devices.  This station is
      used only with a stand alone system (RAD 75).

      Several programs have been implemented using these facilities
      among them are:

*SMOG (sub-program manager for On-Line Graphics).