RFC 1742 (rfc1742) - Page 2 of 84

AppleTalk Management Information Base II

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 1742                    AppleTalk MIB II                January 1995

   3.1 Format of Definitions ................................    6
   4. Overview ..............................................    6
   4.1 Structure of MIB .....................................    7
   4.2 The LocalTalk Link Access Protocol Group .............    7
   4.3 The AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol Group ......    7
   4.4 The AppleTalk Port Group .............................    8
   4.5 The Datagram Delivery Protocol Group .................    8
   4.6 The Datagram Delivery Protocol Router Group ..........    8
   4.7 The Routing Table Maintenance Protocol Group .........    8
   4.8 The Routing Table Maintenance Protocol Stub Group ....    8
   4.9 The Kinetics Internet Protocol Group .................    8
   4.10 The Zone Information Protocol Router Group ..........    9
   4.11 The Zone Information Protocol End Node Group ........    9
   4.12 The Name Binding Protocol Group .....................    9
   4.13 The AppleTalk Echo Protocol Group ...................    9
   4.14 The AppleTalk Transaction Protocol Group ............    9
   4.15 The Printer Access Protocol Group ...................    9
   4.16 The AppleTalk Session Protocol Group ................    9
   4.17 The AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol Group ............   10
   4.18 The AppleTalk Port Point to Point Group .............   10
   4.19 The Per Port Counters Group .........................   10
   4.20 Textual Conventions .................................   10
   5. Definitions ...........................................   11
   6. Acknowledgmnts ........................................   82
   7. References ............................................   83
   8. Security Considerations ...............................   84
   9. Authors' Addresses ....................................   84

1. The Network Management Framework

   The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of three
   components.  They are:

      STD 16/RFC 1155 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
         describing and naming objects for the purpose of management.

      STD 16/RFC 1212 defines a more concise description mechanism,
         which is wholly consistent with the SMI.

      RFC 1156 which defines MIB-I, the core set of managed objects for
         the Internet suite of protocols.  STD 17/RFC 1213 defines MIB-
         II, an evolution of MIB-I based on implementation experience
         and new operational requirements.

      STD 15/RFC 1157 which defines the SNMP, the protocol used for
         network access to managed objects.

Waldbusser & Frisa