RFC 1791 (rfc1791) - Page 1 of 12

TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            T. Sung
Request for Comments: 1791                                  Novell, Inc.
Category: Experimental                                        April 1995

           TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU

Status of this Memo

   This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  This does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
   Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

IESG Note:

   Internet Engineering Steering Group comment from the Area Director
   for Transport Services: Please note well that this memo is an
   individual product of the author.  Implementation experience,
   particularly on the effectiveness of the protocols in dual-stack
   environments, is needed.

1.  Introduction

   Most of network applications run on some sort of transports.  And, if
   one is to let such applications to run over a foreign network
   protocol, the simplest way would be to allow the applications'
   transports to run over that network protocol. For TCP/IP
   applications, that transport is TCP or UDP.  Hence, to let TCP/IP
   applications run over IPX, we would need to  have TCP and UDP run
   over IPX.  And, once TCP and UDP are allowed to run over IPX, all TCP
   and UDP based applications, such as HTTP for WWW, or NFS, can easily
   be made to work over IPX networks.

   DLsw is another example of such applications.  As it is a TCP
   application (and TCP requires IP), the administrator is forced to run
   IP on his network in order to support DLsw.  If the site was an IPX
   shop, it means that he now must manage IP protocol/addresses in
   addition to IPX.  If TCP could be made to run on IPX, then he would
   not have to add IP to his repertoire of network protocols to manage.

   TCP/IPX allows TCP/IP applications to run over IPX networks by
   letting TCP and UDP run over IPX.  And this memo specifies the packet
   format and operational procedures for running TCP and UDP over IPX.
