RFC 1856 (rfc1856) - Page 1 of 17

The Opstat Client-Server Model for Statistics Retrieval

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                           H. Clark
Request For Comments: 1856                                    BBN Planet
Category: Informational                                   September 1995

        The Opstat Client-Server Model for Statistics Retrieval

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   Network administrators gather data related to the performance,
   utilization, usability and growth of their data network.  The amount
   of raw data gathered is usually quite large, typically ranging
   somewhere between several megabytes to several gigabytes of data each
   month.  Few (if any) tools exist today for the sharing of that raw
   data among network operators or between a network service provider
   (NSP) and its customers.  This document defines a model and protocol
   for a set of tools which could be used by NSPs and Network Operation
   Centers (NOCs) to share data among themselves and with customers.

1.0  Introduction

   Network administrators gather data related to the performance,
   utilization, usability and growth of their data network.  The primary
   goal of gathering the data is to facilitate near-term problem
   isolation and longer-term network planning within the organization.
   The amount of raw data gathered is usually quite large, typically
   ranging somewhere between several megabytes to several gigabytes of
   data each month.  From this raw data, the network administrator
   produces various types of reports.  Few (if any) tools exist today
   for the sharing of that raw data among network operators or between a
   network service provider (NSP) and its customers.  This document
   defines a model and protocol for a set of tools which could be used
   by NSPs and Network Operation Centers (NOCs) to share data among
   themselves and with customers.

1.1 The OPSTAT Model

   Under the Operational Statistics model [1], there exists a common
   model under which tools exist for the collection, storage, retrieval
   and presentation of network management data.

Clark                        Informational