RFC 1888 (rfc1888) - Page 1 of 16

OSI NSAPs and IPv6

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                           J. Bound
Request for Comments: 1888                 Digital Equipment Corporation
Category: Experimental                                      B. Carpenter
                                                           D. Harrington
                                           Digital Equipment Corporation
                                                          J. Houldsworth
                                                     ICL Network Systems
                                                                A. Lloyd
                                                  Datacraft Technologies
                                                             August 1996

                           OSI NSAPs and IPv6

Status of this Memo

   This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any
   kind.  Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This document recommends that network implementors who have planned
   or deployed an OSI NSAP addressing plan, and who wish to deploy or
   transition to IPv6, should redesign a native IPv6 addressing plan to
   meet their needs.  However, it also defines a set of mechanisms for
   the support of OSI NSAP addressing in an IPv6 network.  These
   mechanisms are the ones that MUST be used if such support is
   required.  This document also defines a mapping of IPv6 addresses
   within the OSI address format, should this be required.

Table of Contents

      1. General recommendation on NSAP addressing plans..............2
      2. Summary of defined mechanisms................................4
      3. Restricted NSAPA in a 16-byte IPv6 address for ICD and DCC...4
      3.1 Routing restricted NSAPAs...................................5
      4. Truncated NSAPA used as an IPv6 address......................6
      4.1 Routing truncated NSAPAs....................................8
      5. Carriage of full NSAPAs in IPv6 destination option...........9
      6. IPv6 addresses inside an NSAPA..............................10
      7. Security Considerations.....................................11
      Annex A: Summary of NSAP Allocations...........................13
      Annex B: Additional Rationale..................................14
      Authors' Addresses.............................................16

Bound, et. al.                Experimental