RFC 1978 (rfc1978) - Page 1 of 9

PPP Predictor Compression Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            D. Rand
Request for Comments: 1978                                        Novell
Category: Informational                                      August 1996

                   PPP Predictor Compression Protocol

Status of This Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) [1] provides a standard method of
   encapsulating multiple protocol datagrams over point-to-point links.

   The PPP Compression Control Protocol [2] provides a method for
   transporting multi-protocol datagrams over PPP encapsulated links.

   This document describes the use of the Predictor data compression
   algorithm for compressing PPP encapsulated packets.

Table of Contents

     1.     Introduction ......................................    1
     2.     Licensing .........................................    2
     3.     Predictor Packets .................................    2
        3.1       Predictor theory ............................    2
        3.2       Encapsulation for Predictor type 1 ..........    7
        3.3       Encapsulation for Predictor type 2 ..........    8
     4.     Configuration Option Format .......................    9
     SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS ..................................    9
     REFERENCES ...............................................    9
     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................    9
     CHAIR'S ADDRESS ..........................................    9
     AUTHOR'S ADDRESS .........................................    9

1.  Introduction

   Predictor is a high speed compression algorithm, available without
   license fees.  The compression ratio obtained using predictor is not
   as good as other compression algorithms, but it remains one of the
   fastest algorithms available.

   Note that although care has been taken to ensure that the following
   code does not infringe any patents, there is no assurance that it is

Rand                         Informational