RFC 2009 (rfc2009) - Page 1 of 27

GPS-Based Addressing and Routing

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                 T. Imielinski
Request for Comments: 2009                                 J. Navas
Category: Experimental                           Rutgers University
                                                      November 1996

                    GPS-Based Addressing and Routing

Status of this Memo

   This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any
   kind.  Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

IANA Note:

   This document describes a possible experiment with geographic
   addresses.  It uses several specific IP addresses and domain names in
   the discussion as concrete examples to aid in understanding the
   concepts.  Please note that these addresses and names are not
   registered, assigned, allocated, or delegated to the use suggested

Table of Contents

   1.      Introduction......................................    2
   1b.             General Architecture......................    3
   1c.             Scenarios of Usage: Interface Issues......    3
   2.      Addressing Model..................................    4
   2a.             Using GPS for Destination Addresses.......    5
   3.      Routing...........................................    7
   3a.              GPS Multicast Routing Scheme (GPSM)......    7
   3a-i.                   Multicast Trees...................    8
   3a-ii.                  Determining the GPS Multicast
                           Addressing........................   10
   3a-iii.                 Building Multicast Trees..........   11
   3a-iv.                  Routing...........................   12
   3a-v.                   DNS Issues........................   12
   3a-vi.                  Estimations.......................   12
   3b.              "Last Mile"  Routing.....................   13
   3b-i.                   Application Level Filtering.......   13
   3b-ii.                  Multicast Filtering...............   13
   3b-iii.                 Computers on Fixed Networks.......   14
   3c.              Geometric Routing Scheme (GEO)...........   14
   3c-i.                   Routing Overview..................   14
   3c-ii.                  Supporting Long-Duration GPScasts.   16
   3c-iii.                 Discovering A Router's Service Area  17

Imielinski & Navas            Experimental