RFC 2062 (rfc2062) - Page 1 of 8

Internet Message Access Protocol - Obsolete Syntax

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         M. Crispin
Request for Comments: 2062                      University of Washington
Category: Informational                                    December 1996

           Internet Message Access Protocol - Obsolete Syntax

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This document describes obsolete syntax which may be encountered by
   IMAP4 implementations which deal with older versions of the Internet
   Mail Access Protocol.  IMAP4 implementations MAY implement this
   syntax in order to maximize interoperability with older

   This document repeats information from earlier documents, most
   notably RFC 1176 and RFC 1730.

Obsolete Commands and Fetch Data Items

   The following commands are OBSOLETE.  It is NOT required to support
   any of these commands or fetch data items in new server
   implementations.  These commands are documented here for the benefit
   of implementors who may wish to support them for compatibility with
   old client implementations.

   The section headings of these commands are intended to correspond
   with where they would be located in the main document if they were
   not obsoleted.

6.3.OBS.1.      FIND ALL.MAILBOXES Command

   Arguments:  mailbox name with possible wildcards

   Data:       untagged responses: MAILBOX

   Result:     OK - find completed
               NO - find failure: can't list that name
               BAD - command unknown or arguments invalid

Crispin                      Informational