RFC 212 (rfc212) - Page 1 of 2

NWG meeting on network usage

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Network Working Group                             NWG Steering Committee
Request For Comments: 212                                August 23, 1971
NIC 7192
Updates: 207

                      NWG Meeting On Network Usage

     M.I.T.'s Project MAC has agreed to host the next Network Working
Group Meeting in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Due to several scheduling
conflicts, the meeting dates indicated in RFC #207 have been moved
ahead two weeks.  Therefore, the meeting is scheduled to commence on
Sunday, October 10 at 12 noon and is scheduled to adjourn on Thursday,
October 14.

     Prior to the time, the NWG has been almost entirely concerned
with issues of communications and protocol implementation.  However,
we are now in a transitional phase; implementation efforts have been
substantially completed and usage of the Network has emerged as a
primary concern.  Consequently, the theme of this Network Working
Group Meeting is Network usage.

     The meeting will provide an opportunity to 1) demonstrate current
capabilities of host systems, 2) identify areas of application, 3)
address issues concerning users and service centers, 4) provide
updated information on status and recent developments.

     There will be three sequential phases to the meeting as indicated
in RFC #207.  The first phase, the system programmers workshop, will
commence on Sunday, October 10 at 12 noon and continue through Monday,
October 11.

     The second phase will begin on Tuesday, October 12 at 9:30 a.m.
In addition to any workshops that may be organized the following
activities are scheduled:

     a)  A Protocol review - this session will be jointly
         chaired by John Postel (UCLA) and Alex McKenzie (BBN)
         and is open to concerned and knowledgeable persons.
         The session is intended to review current standard

     b)  A course in NIC usage - this session will be a tutorial
         in the use of the NIC.  The size of the group is
         limited by the number of available consoles.  To
         register, contact Dick Watson at SRI, (415) 326-6200.