RFC 2122 (rfc2122) - Page 1 of 11

VEMMI URL Specification

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                      D. Mavrakis
Request for Comments: 2122                   Monaco Telematique MC-TEL
Category: Standards Track                                     H. Layec
                                                           K. Kartmann
                                                            March 1997

                        VEMMI URL Specification

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1) Abstract

   A new URL scheme, "vemmi" is defined. It allows VEMMI client software
   and VEMMI terminals to connect to multimedia interactive services
   compliant to the VEMMI standard (Enhanced Man-Machine Interface for
   Videotex and Multimedia/Hypermedia Information Retrieval Services),
   sometimes abbreviated as "VErsatile MultiMedia Interface".

   VEMMI is a new international standard for on-line multimedia
   services, that is both an ITU-T (International Telecommunications
   Union, ex.  CCITT)  International Standard (T.107) [2] and an
   European Standard (ETSI European Telecommunications Standard
   Institute) standard (ETS 300 382  [3], obsoleted by ETS 300 709 [1]).

   VEMMI could be described as an on-line multimedia protocol describing
   both the man-machine interface and the client/server exchange
   protocol.  VEMMI operates usually on a single continuous session
   between a client and a host and supports an object-oriented, event-
   driven, client/server oriented and platform independent multimedia
   interface. The well-known tcp port number 575 has been assigned by
   IANA to the VEMMI protocol [13].

   A description of the VEMMI standard along with its last approved
   version is publicly available on the Web: see the URL
   http://www.etsi.fr/ecs/projects/vemmi/vemmi.htm). A presentation of
   VEMMI can be found on http://www.mctel.fr/VEMMI/vemmien_intro.html

Mavrakis, et. al.           Standards Track