RFC 213 (rfc213) - Page 1 of 1

IMP System change notification

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                              B. Cosell
Request for Comments:  #213                        BBN
NIC #7194                                          20 August 1971
Categories:  B.1
Updates:  None
Obsoletes:  None

                     IMP System Change Notification

     During the week of 16 August, we installed a new version of
the IMP system, version 2505.  The new version incorporated three
principal changes:

     1)  The number of hosts the system can handle was increased
         from three to four. Although this caused a rather large
         internal change to the IMP, the only external effects of
         the change are the presence of a new status light [light
         8 monitors Host 4], and the lengthening of the 10-second
         and snapshot statistics.

     2)  The host handling routines were modified to gather more
         accurate and voluminous statistics on host usage of the
         network, and report them to NCC.

     3)  The 10-sec. statistics were changed to measure time for
         the host "round trip" statistic in units of 800 rather
         than 100 microseconds.

          It is not anticipated that the new system should have any
     direct effect on the hosts.

          [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
          [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
          [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]