RFC 2542 (rfc2542) - Page 1 of 20

Terminology and Goals for Internet Fax

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                        L. Masinter
Request for Comments: 2542                             Xerox Corporation
Category: Informational                                       March 1999

                 Terminology and Goals for Internet Fax

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document defines a number of terms useful for the discussion of
   Internet Fax. In addition, it describes the goals of the Internet Fax
   working group and establishes a baseline of desired functionality
   against which protocols for Internet Fax can be judged. It
   encompasses the goals for all modes of facsimile delivery, including
   'real-time', 'session', and 'store and forward'.  Different levels of
   desirability are indicated throughout the document.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ..................................................  2
   2. Definitions and Operational Modes .............................  3
    2.1 User model of fax ...........................................  3
    2.2 Definition of Internet Fax ..................................  4
    2.3 Internet Fax Roles ..........................................  5
    2.4 Internet Fax Devices ........................................  5
    2.5 Operational modes ...........................................  8
   3. Goals for Internet Fax ........................................  8
   4. Operational Goals for Internet Fax ............................  9
    4.1 Functionality ...............................................  9
    4.2 Interoperability ............................................  9
    4.3 Confirmation ................................................ 10
    4.4 Quick Delivery .............................................. 11
    4.5 Capabilities ................................................ 12
    4.6 Simplicity .................................................. 12
    4.7 Security .................................................... 13
    4.8 Reliability ................................................. 14
    4.9 Fax-like use ................................................ 14
    4.10 Legal ...................................................... 15

Masinter                     Informational