RFC 3114 (rfc3114) - Page 1 of 14

Implementing Company Classification Policy with the S/MIME Security Label

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         W. Nicolls
Request for Comments: 3114                            Forsythe Solutions
Category: Informational                                         May 2002

              Implementing Company Classification Policy
                     with the S/MIME Security Label

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document discusses how company security policy for data
   classification can be mapped to the S/MIME security label.  Actual
   policies from three companies provide worked examples.

1. Introduction

   Security labels are an optional security service for S/MIME.  A
   security label is a set of security information regarding the
   sensitivity of the content that is protected by S/MIME encapsulation.
   A security label can be included in the signed attributes of any
   SignedData object.  A security label attribute may be included in
   either the inner signature, outer signature, or both.  The syntax and
   processing rules for security labels are described in RFC 2634 [ESS].

   The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL NOT',
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [MUSTSHOULD].

1.1 Information Classification Policies

   Information is an asset, but not all information has the same value
   for a business.  Not all information needs to be protected as
   strongly as other information.

   Research and development plans, marketing strategies and
   manufacturing quality specifications developed and used by a company
   provide competitive advantage.  This type of information needs

Nicolls                      Informational