RFC 315 (rfc315) - Page 1 of 4

Network Host Status

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Network Working Group                                   Ellen Westheimer
Request for Comments: 315                                            BBN
NIC: 9345                                                  March 8, 1972
Updates: 306

                          NETWORK HOST STATUS

   This RFC reports on the status of most Network Hosts from February 14
   to February 25.  On February 21 Massachusetts celebrated Washington's
   Birthday.  During these two weeks the MIT Artificial Intelligence
   (MIT-AI) PDP-10, Network address 134, became a Network User.

   Several Hosts are currently excluded from the daily testing.  These
   Hosts fall into two categories:

      1) Hosts which are not expected to be functioning on the Network
      as servers (available for use from other sites) on a regular basis
      for at least two weeks.  Included here are:

      Address          Site            Computer
      -------          ----            --------
      134              MIT-AI          PDP-10
       13              Case            PDP-10
       15              Ames/(Paoli)    ILLIAC/(B6500)

      2) Hosts which are currently intended to be users only.  Included
      here are the Terminal IMP's which are presently in the Network
      (AMES, MITRE, NBS and BBN*).  This category also includes the
      Network Control Center computer (Network Address 5) which is used
      solely for gathering statistics from the Network.  Finally,
      included among these Hosts are the following:

      Address          Site            Computer
      -------          ----            --------
       7               Rand            IBM-360/65
      73               Harvard         PDP-1
      12               Illinois        PDP-11
      19               NBS             PDP-11

   The tables on the next two pages summarize the Host status for this
   *The BBN Terminal IMP (Network Address 158) is a prototype and as
   such is frequently not connected to the Network, but being used to
   refine and debug the Terminal IMP programs.
