STATUS OF IR&D TASK 9780 ARPA NETWORK STUDIES AND EXPERIMENTS 1.0 OBJECTIVES MITRE/Washington became a node in the ARPA computer network in September 1971 when a Terminal Interface Message Processor (TIP) was installed. Since that time MITRE's use of the network has largely been supported by IR&D funds. The objectives of the IR&D Network Studies are: (a) to promote the use of the network resources in an operational mode within MITRE to increase the computer capabilities available for supporting sponsor's work; (b) to use the ARPANET itself as a research tool for conducting computer networking experiments; and (c) to demonstrate the use of ARPANET resources to extend the capabilities of existing systems. Specifically, the proposed objectives are: (1) to select ARPANET resources that can be used to support identified MITRE projects and to demonstrate how these resources can be used;