RFC 3532 (rfc3532) - Page 1 of 11

Requirements for the Dynamic Partitioning of Switching Elements

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                        T. Anderson
Request for Comments: 3532                                    Intel Labs
Category: Informational                                       J. Buerkle
                                                         Nortel Networks
                                                                May 2003

    Requirements for the Dynamic Partitioning of Switching Elements

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document identifies a set of requirements for the mechanisms
   used to dynamically reallocate the resources of a switching element
   (e.g., an ATM switch) to its partitions.  These requirements are
   particularly critical in the case of an operator creating a switch
   partition and then leasing control of that partition to a third

Table of Contents

   1.  Definitions ................................................  2
   2.  Introduction ...............................................  3
   3.  Dynamic Partitioning .......................................  6
   4.  Requirements ...............................................  7
   5.  Security Considerations ....................................  9
   6.  Intellectual Property Considerations .......................  9
   7.  Acknowledgements ...........................................  9
   8.  Normative References ....................................... 10
   9.  Informative References ..................................... 10
   10. Authors' Addresses ......................................... 10
   11. Full Copyright Statement ................................... 11

Anderson, et al.             Informational