RFC 3570 (rfc3570) - Page 1 of 20

Content Internetworking (CDI) Scenarios

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Network Working Group                                         P. Rzewski
Request for Comments: 3570                         Media Publisher, Inc.
Category: Informational                                           M. Day
                                                             D. Gilletti
                                                               July 2003

                Content Internetworking (CDI) Scenarios

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.


   In describing content internetworking as a technology targeted for
   use in production networks, it is useful to provide examples of the
   sequence of events that may occur when two content networks decide to
   interconnect.  The scenarios presented here seek to provide some
   concrete examples of what content internetworking is, and also to
   provide a basis for evaluating content internetworking proposals.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction...................................................2
       1.1.  Terminology..............................................3
   2.  Special Cases of Content Networks..............................3
       2.1.  Publishing Content Network...............................3
       2.2.  Brokering Content Network................................3
       2.3.  Local Request-Routing Content Network....................4
   3.  Content Internetworking Arrangements...........................5
   4.  Content Internetworking Scenarios..............................5
       4.1.  General Content Internetworking..........................6
       4.2.  BCN providing ACCOUNTING INTERNETWORKING and
             REQUEST-ROUTING INTERNETWORKING..........................9
       4.3.  BCN providing ACCOUNTING INTERNETWORKING................11
       4.4.  PCN ENLISTS multiple CNs................................12
       4.5.  Multiple CNs ENLIST LCN.................................13
   5.  Security Considerations.......................................15
       5.1.  Threats to Content Internetworking......................15
           5.1.1.  Threats to the CLIENT.............................15

Rzewski, et al.              Informational