RFC 368 (rfc368) - Page 2 of 2

Comments on "Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol"

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

   3.  The syntax of OUT might reflect the fact that pathname is
       required only for (disp) of "(S)".

   4.  It may be desirable to distinguish syntactically (job-id)
       and job-file-id).  For example, this would allow the command

            ABORT (job-file-id)

       to abort the job currently being transmitted, regardless of
       its id (this assumes that multiple jobs for a given user
       are sent sequentially).

   5.  The replies presented in the document are very good, but may
       need some elaboration.  For example, the syntax error messages
       should be more specific.  When the user enters:

            OUT=(H) UCLA91: NE/ARP998.WGW.TEST

       he would like the error message to indicate explicitly that
       the hostname is not valid, rather than merely being told there
       is something wrong with one of the parameters.

   6.  Experience with remote job entry to CCN via the Network has
       shown that the user wants a transmission status command, to
       find out how many records have been sent or received so far.
       The network bandwidth corresponds in order of magnitude to
       one page per second.  The average output for jobs submitted
       to CCN from the Network has contained about 30 pages, so
       significant transmission delays are not unusual.  It is important
       to add a command for this purpose.

         [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
         [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
         [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                      1/97 ]