RFC 3827 (rfc3827) - Page 2 of 4

Additional Snoop Datalink Types

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RFC 3827            Additional Snoop Datalink Types            June 2004

3.  IANA Considerations

   This document created a new IANA registry named "Snoop Datalink
   Types" to hold the various possible 32-bit (4 octet) snoop datalink
   types.  This new registry holds the values previously defined in
   [RFC 1761] and tabulated below:

             Datalink Type           Code
             -------------           ----

             IEEE 802.3              0
             IEEE 802.4 Token Bus    1
             IEEE 802.5 Token Ring   2
             IEEE 802.6 Metro Net    3
             Ethernet                4
             HDLC                    5
             Character Synchronous   6
             IBM Channel-to-Channel  7
             FDDI                    8
             Other                   9

   Additionally, the new registry also holds the values defined above in
   section 2 of this document.

   All new allocations and assignments to this registry starting from
   code 27 will follow the First Come First Served policy outlined in
   [BCP0026].  Type codes up to 26 not defined by this section of the
   document (10-15 and 19-25) are considered reserved.

4.  Security Considerations

   The addition of new datalink type codes to the existing file format
   poses no known security risks.

5.  Acknowledgements

   The author would like to thank Jim Carlson, Brent Callaghan, and Bill
   Strahm for meticulously reviewing this document.

6.  References

6.1.  Normative References

   [RFC 1761] Callaghan, B. and R. Gilligan, "Snoop Version 2 Packet
             Capture File Format", RFC 1761, February 1995.

Sarcar                       Informational