RFC 40 (rfc40) - Page 1 of 3

More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         E. Harslem
Request for Comments: 40                                      J. Heafner
                                                              March 1970

               More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol

We have recently discussed NWG/RFC Nos. 36 and 39 with Steve Crocker,
UCLA.  Steve has asked that we elaborate on the errors, queries, and
HOST status that were mentioned in NWG/RFC #39.

Please voice your opinions soon in order to affect the forthcoming
protocol specifications.


       is an eight-bit field that specifies the error type.  The
assigned codes are shown below.   is a 16-bit integer
that indicates the length of the  in bits.  The
 is the spurious command.

The ranges of  are shown below in hexidecimal.

     00     Unspecified error types
     10-0F  Resource errors
     10-1F  Status errors
     20-2F  Content errors
     30-3F  Unused

Specific values of  are shown below with their meaning.

      value   Semantics

         00         Unspecified errors.
         01         Request for an invalid resource.
         02         Request for an exhausted resource, try later.
        03-0F       Unused.
         10         Invalid , i.e., link connected but unblocked.
         11         Invalid .
         12         Invalid , i.e., connected but no 