RFC 504 (rfc504) - Page 1 of 5

Distributed resources workshop announcement

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Network Working Group                                     Bob Thomas
RFC # 504                                                 BBN
NIC # 16155                                               April 30, 1973

                         Workshop Announcement

Title: Automated Resource Sharing on the ARPANET

Date:  Monday May 21, 1973

Time:  9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Place: Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Cambridge, Mass.

Hosts: TENEX and TIP Groups at BBN


This workshop will focus on various aspects of the question:

    What steps can be taken to automate access to the distributed
    resources on the ARPANET?

In particular, how can we move from where we are today toward an
environment which facilitates resource sharing by moving the burden of
dealing with the network from the human user to processes which act on
his behalf?  Additionally, operating systems themselves perform various
operations not directly initiated by human users which could better be
performed with the availability of resources on other systems (e.g.
file system backup); how can we move toward an environment which
facilitates such system-system cooperation?

Objectives of Workshop:

1.  To identify and clarify the issues raised by automated resource
    What are the obstacles preventing more widespread resource sharing
    on the ARPANET?  Are they technical, political, administrative in
    nature?  Is it that there are few resources worth sharing (we don't
    think so)?  Is automated sharing a bad idea (We don't think so)?
