RFC 549 (rfc549) - Page 1 of 12

Minutes of Network Graphics Group meeting, 15-17 July 1973

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          Anonymous
Request for Comments: 549      Center for Advanced Computation, U of Ill
NIC: 17795                                               15-17 July 1973


Sunday evening, 15 July

   The meeting came to order around 1930, Jim Michener presiding.  After
   introductions, an agenda was constructed for the rest of the meeting.

   Elaine Thomas distributed copies of an Alternative Network Graphics
   Protocol for attendees to read overnight prior to discussion.

   Because some individuals were absent who had definitely indicated
   that they were coming Monday morning, the meeting was adjourned at
   2030 after deciding to meet at 0930 the next morning.

Monday Morning/Afternoon, 16 July

   The meeting was called to order at 0930

   Jim Michener distributed an outline of a paper describing desirable
   facilities for the use of two dimensional input devices with a
   hierarchically structured display program.

   Ken Victor distributed copies of RFC 553: A Proposed Network
   Text/Graphics Protocol. (LJOURNAL,17810,)

   Ken Pogran described the history of the NGG and how the "levels"
   approach of RFC 493 came about.  In particular, the "level 0"
   protocol was an attempt to define something to experiment with, but
   with the thought that it should be possible to imbed "level 0"
   meaningfully in any later protocol.

   Reports of Network Graphics Experiences

      Jon Jervert described the installation at CAD/CAM (Fort Monmouth).
      They have a spectrum of display terminals and have tried several
      via a Telnet connection to MIT-DMCG.  They experienced
      unacceptable slowness with a 300 Baud bandwidth.

      Austin Henderson described an Air Traffic Control experiment in
      which the simulator receives codes describing changes in state and
      generates descriptions of the air space (region) being controlled