RFC 566 (rfc566) - Page 1 of 4

Traffic statistics (August 1973)

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Network Working Group                                        A. McKenzie
Request for Comments: 566                                        BBN-NET
NIC: 18801                                              4 September 1973
Updates: RFC 556

                   Traffic Statistics  (August 1973)

   Attached are the Hosts traffic statistics for the month of August


                      HOST THROUGHPUT SUMMARY
                          (PACKETS OUTPUT)

                             AUGUST 1973

                      INTER-    INTRA-              AVG. DAILY
                       NODE      NODE     TOTAL      INTERNODE     DAYS

   UCLA  HOST 0      302287     92769    395056
   UCLA  HOST 1     2246832    182154   2428986
   UCLA  HOST 2         454     66247     66701
                   --------  --------  --------
                    2549573    341170   2890743        82244        31

   SRI   HOST 0     5201216   6982664  12183880
   SRI   HOST 1      369316     18453    387769
                   --------  --------  --------
                    5570532   7001117  12571650       179695        31

   UCSB  HOST 0     2682535     53971   2736506
   UCSB  HOST 1      370000       543    370543
                   --------  --------  --------
                    3052535     54514   3107049        98469        31

   UTAH  HOST 0     1120918    319084   1440002        36159        31

   BBN   HOST 0           2     40484     40486
   BBN   HOST 1     5195648    413554   5609202
   BBN   HOST 2       22191    194958    217149
   BBN   HOST 3      407851     73240    481091
                   --------  --------  --------
                    5625692    722236   6347926       181474        31
