RFC 597 (rfc597) - Page 1 of 6

Host status

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Network Working Group                                          N. Neigus
Request for Comment: 597                                      J. Feinler
NIC: 20826                                              12 December 1973

                               Host Status

   Attached are the latest network maps -- geographic and logical -- and
   a list of Hosts connected to the ARPANET.

   The geographic map shows all IMPs and TIPs currently installed in the

   The logical map diagrams the current (as of Dec. 10, 1973) status of
   all computers on the net, with the exception of MIT-MULTICS which is
   shown in the advanced state of being attached to IMP #44 rather than
   IMP #5.  (My apologies for not reprinting the map.)  Hosts with
   interfaces to the subnet are shown with intersected ovals; the small
   "v" represents a Very Distant Host (VDH) interface to the IMP; IMPs
   are the solid black circles and TIPs the circles with "T" enclosed.
   The two jagged lines represent satellite links.

   Note: The names listed on this map are unofficial IMP names, NOT
   official Host names.

   The list of Hosts includes current sites as well as those projected
   to come onto the net within the next two months.  At the end is an
   incomplete list of installations to be connected further in the
   future.  Dates for connection have been included only for the next
   few months to prevent gross inaccuracy.

      The Host's network address is given in octal and decimal.

      Interfaces from the subnet to the particular computer are listed
      in parentheses and may be ignored.

      A site is considered a Server or User of the network based on
      self-proclamation.  Limited Server implies the site performs
      service functions but for a restricted group of users dedicated
      Servers implies the type of service is restricted, not the user
      group.  In all cases normal site access restrictions are observed.
      Included in the status column is any special operating system
      available for that Host, that is not supplied by the computer

   This RFC contains official Host names as of December, 1973.  Naming
   conventions and an official Hostname list, which will be maintained
   at the NIC by Jake Feinler (FEINLER@NIC), will be published in the

Neigus & Feinler