RFC 774 (rfc774) - Page 1 of 3

Internet Protocol Handbook: Table of contents

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          J. Postel
Request for Comments: 774                                            ISI
                                                            October 1980
Obsoletes: RFCs 766
Obsoletes: IENs, 118

                       Internet Protocol Handbook
                           Table of Contents

The internet family of protocols is replacing the old ARPANET protocols.
To this end an Internet Protocol Handbook will be prepared by the
Network Information Center.  This Handbook is tentatively planned to be
available at the end of 1980.  This Internet Protocol Handbook will
closely parallel the old ARPANET Protocol Handbook, and will primarily
be a collection of existing RFCs and IENs.

Attached is the current draft table of contents for the Internet
Protocol Handbook.  Any suggestions for additions should be sent to Jon
Postel (Postel@ISIF).

RFCs and IENs are public access document files and may be copied from
the Network Information Center online Library at SRI-KL via FTP using
the FTP user name ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.  The IENs have pathnames
of the form "IEN-nnn.TXT", and the RFCs have pathnames of the
form "RFCnnn.TXT", where "nnn" is replaced by the document
number.  [Note the inconsistency: IENs have a hyphen in the pathname,
RFCs don't.]
