RFC 87 (rfc87) - Page 2 of 3

Topic for Discussion at the Next Network Working Group Meeting

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Our ideas about content are:

   1) A description of present or future graphical facilities that are or

   will be connected to the network, with a functional description of how

   they work or look (or might look) to a user (network user).

   2) A functional description of a graphical facility one can envision

   or would like to see the network support.

   3) Proposals on network graphic protocol, even proposal which are only

   intended to smoke out issues are acceptable.

   4) A sharing of network graphic "Historic Moments."  Description of

   your experiences in network graphics, what problems were encountered,

   how you solved or lived with them.  What insight and understanding

   have you gained, what questions have been left unanswered by these


The foregoing are our present ideas.  If you have suggestions, please

convey them to one of the people from your site attending the Urbana

meeting so they can be discussed, or notify either Fran Yost or me of

your suggestion by calling 617-864-6900-6026 or writing to:

      Miss F. Yost
      Project MAC/MIT
      545 Technology Square, Room 830
      Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

I hope we can come away from the Urbana meeting with a firm concept of

the April network graphic meeting.