RFC 908 (rfc908) - Page 1 of 57

Reliable Data Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Reliable Data Protocol


                               David Velten

                               Robert Hinden

                                 Jack Sax

                      BBN Communications Corporation

                                July 1984

Status of This Memo

   This RFC specifies a proposed protocol for the ARPA Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

     RDP Specification                           

                             Table of Contents

     1   Introduction.......................................... 1

     2   General Description................................... 3
     2.1   Motivation.......................................... 3
     2.2   Relation to Other Protocols......................... 5

     3   Protocol Operation.................................... 7
     3.1   Protocol Service Objectives......................... 7
     3.2   RDP Connection Management........................... 7
     3.2.1   Opening a Connection.............................. 8
     3.2.2   Ports............................................. 8
     3.2.3   Connection States................................. 8
     3.2.4   Connection Record................................ 11
     3.2.5   Closing a Connection............................. 13
     3.2.6   Detecting an Half-Open Connection................ 14
     3.3   Data Communication................................. 14
     3.4   Reliable Communication............................. 15
     3.4.1   Segment Sequence Numbers......................... 15
     3.4.2   Checksums........................................ 16
     3.4.3   Positive Acknowledgement of Segments............. 16
     3.4.4   Retransmission Timeout........................... 17
     3.5   Flow Control and Window Management................. 17
     3.6   User Interface..................................... 19
     3.7   Event Processing................................... 20
     3.7.1   User Request Events.............................. 21
     3.7.2   Segment Arrival Events........................... 24
     3.7.3   Timeout Events................................... 29

     4   RDP Segments and Formats............................. 31
     4.1   IP Header Format................................... 31
     4.2   RDP Header Format.................................. 32
     4.2.1   RDP Header Fields................................ 33
     4.3   SYN Segment........................................ 36
     4.3.1   SYN Segment Format............................... 36
     4.3.2   SYN Segment Fields............................... 37
     4.4   ACK Segment........................................ 38
     4.4.1   ACK Segment Format............................... 38
     4.4.2   ACK Segment Fields............................... 39
     4.5   Extended ACK Segment............................... 40
     4.5.1   EACK Segment Format.............................. 40
     4.5.2   EACK Segment Fields.............................. 40

                                                                Page i

     RFC-908                                                 July 1984

     4.6   RST Segment........................................ 42
     4.6.1   RST Segment Format............................... 42
     4.7   NUL Segment........................................ 43
     4.7.1   NUL segment format............................... 43

     5   Examples of Operation................................ 45
     5.1   Connection Establishment........................... 45
     5.2   Simultaneous Connection Establishment.............. 46
     5.3   Lost Segments...................................... 47
     5.4   Segments Received Out of Order..................... 48
     5.5   Communication Over Long Delay Path................. 49
     5.6   Communication Over Long Delay Path With Lost
          .................................................... 50
     5.7   Detecting a Half-Open  Connection  on  Crash
          .................................................... 51
     5.8   Detecting a Half-Open  Connection  from  the
       Active Side
          .................................................... 52

     A   Implementing a Minimal RDP........................... 53

     Page ii

     RDP Specification                           


     1  Relation to Other Protocols............................ 5
     2  Form of Data Exchange Between Layers................... 6
     3  RDP Connection State Diagram.......................... 10
     4  Segment Format........................................ 31
     5  RDP Header Format..................................... 32
     6  SYN Segment Format.................................... 37
     7  ACK Segment Format.................................... 38
     8  EACK Segment Format................................... 41
     9  RST Segment Format.................................... 42
     10  NUL Segment Format................................... 43

                                                              Page iii

                                 CHAPTER 1


          The Reliable Data Protocol (RDP) is designed  to  provide  a
     reliable  data  transport  service  for packet-based applications
     such as remote loading and debugging.  The protocol  is  intended
     to  be simple to implement but still be efficient in environments
     where there may be long transmission  delays  and  loss  or  non-
     sequential delivery of message segments.

          Although this protocol was designed with  applications  such
     as  remote  loading and debugging in mind, it may be suitable for
     other applications that require reliable message  services,  such
     as computer mail, file transfer, transaction processing, etc.

          Some of the concepts used come from a  variety  of  sources.
     The  authors  wish credit to be given to Eric Rosen, Rob Gurwitz,
     Jack Haverty, and to acknowledge material adapted from  "RFC-793,
     The Transmission Control Protocol", edited by Jon Postel.  Thanks
     to John Linn for the checksum algorithm.