RFC 95 (rfc95) - Page 1 of 5

Distribution of NWG/RFC's through the NIC

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

NIC 5731
Network Working Group                                      Steve Crocker
Request for Comments: 95                                            UCLA
                                                         4 February 1971

                Distribution of NWG/RFCs Through the NIC

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   The Network Information Center (NIC), administered by Doug Engelbart
   at SRI, has established (or is establishing) lines of communication
   with all of the sites.  The mechanism is for each site to have a
   Station Agent and a Technical Liaison Contact.  The Station Agent
   maintains a small library of documents which arrive from the NIC.
   The Technical Liaison Contact matches requests from the network
   community to people or services at his site, and vice versa.

   In my opinion, the current mailing list for the Network Working Group
   seems to duplicate in large part the NIC's distribution system.
   Therefore, I am making the following changes.

   (1)  Each site is presumed to have a Technical Liaison Contact.
        Where none has been appointed, the current receiver of NWG notes
        for that site will be assumed to be the Technical Liaison
        Contact.  (Each site may change its Technical Liaison Contact by
        notifying the NIC.)

   (2)  NWG notes will be sent only to Technical Liaison Contacts and to
        those on the current mailing list who are not at a site.

   (3)  RFC numbers and NIC numbers will continue to be assigned by
        Jeanne North at SRI -- (415) 326-6200, ext. 4119, or use
        Enterprise numbers:

        BB&N, CASE, HARV, LINC, MAC, CCA        Enterprise 0740
        ARPA, MITR                              Enterprise 1-0740
        CMU                                     Enterprise 9074
        ILL                                     Enterprise 1074
        SDC, RAND, UCLA, UCSB, UTAH             Zenith 9-0740
