RFC 965 (rfc965) - Page 1 of 51

Format for a graphical communication protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                    Lorenzo Aguilar
Request for Comments: 965                              SRI International
                                                           December 1985

            A Format for a Graphical Communication Protocol


   This paper describes the requirements for a graphical format on which
   to base a graphical on-line communication protocol.  The proposal is
   an Interactive Graphical Communication Format using the GKSM session
   metafile.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This paper describes the requirements for a graphical format on which
   to base a graphical on-line communication protocol. It is argued that
   on-line graphical communication is similar to graphical session
   capture, and thus we propose an Interactive Graphical Communication
   Format using the GKSM session metafile.

   We discuss the items that we believe complement the GKSM metafile as
   a format for on-line interactive exchanges. One key application area
   of such a format is multi-media on-line conferencing; therefore, we
   present a conferencing software architecture for processing the
   proposed format. We make this format specification available to those
   planning multi-media conferencing systems as a contribution toward
   the development of a graphical communication protocol that will
   permit the interoperation of these systems.

   We hope this contribution will encourage the discussion of multimedia
   data exchange and the proposal of solutions. At SRI, we stay open to
   the exploration of alternatives and we will continue our research and
   development work in this problem area.


   The author wants to thank Andy Poggio of SRI who made many insightful
   and valuable suggestions that trimmed and improved level U. His
   expertise in multi-media communication systems and his encouragement
   were a most positive input to the creation of this IGCF. Dave
   Worthington of SRI also participated in the project discussions
   involving this IGCF. Thanks are also due to Tom Powers, chairman of
   ANSI X3H33, who opened this forum to the presentation of an earlier
   version of this paper, thereby providing an opportunity for the
   invaluable feedback of the X3H33 members. Jon Postel of ISI
   recommended a number of changes that made this paper more coherent
   and accessible.
