RFC 979 (rfc979) - Page 1 of 15

PSN End-to-End functional specification

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                    Andrew G. Malis
Request for Comments: 979                       BBN Communications Corp.
                                                              March 1986


Status of this Memo

   This memo is an updated version of BBN Report 5775, "End-to-End
   Functional Specification".  It has been updated to reflect changes
   since that report was written, and is being distributed in this form
   to provide information to the ARPA-Internet community about this
   work.  The changes described in this memo will affect AHIP (1822
   LH/DH/HDH) and X.25 hosts directly connected to BBNCC PSNs.
   Information concerning the schedule for deployment of this version of
   the PSN software (Release 7.0) in the ARPANET and the MILNET can be
   obtained from DCA.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1  Introduction

   This memo contains the functional specification for the new BBNCC PSN
   End-to-End (EE) protocol and module (PSN stands for Packet Switch
   node, and has previously been known as the IMP).  The EE module is
   that portion of the PSN code which is responsible for maintaining EE
   connections that reliably deliver data across the network, and for
   handling the packet level (level 3) interactions with the hosts.  The
   EE protocol is the peer protocol used between EE modules to create,
   maintain, and close connections. The new EE is being developed in
   order to correct a number of deficiencies in the old EE, to improve
   its performance and overall throughput, and to better equip the PSN
   to support its current and anticipated host population.

   The initial version of the new EE is being fielded in PSN Release
   7.0.  Both the old and new EEs are resident in the PSN code, and each
   PSN may run either the old or the new EE (but not both) at any time,
   under the control of the Network Operations Center (NOC).  The NOC
   has facilities for switching individual PSNs or the entire network
   between the old and new EEs.  When the old EE is running, PSN 7.0's
   functionality is equivalent to that provided by PSN 6.0, and the
   differences listed in this memo do not apply.  Hosts on PSNs running
   the old EE cannot interoperate with hosts on PSNs running the new EE.

   There are two additional sections following this introduction.
   Section two describes the motivation and goals driving the new EE

   Section three contains the new EE's functional specification.  It
   describes the services provided to the various types of hosts that
