Video memory

<storage> The memory in a computer's graphics adaptor, used to store the image displayed on a bitmap display.

Often this is built using VRAM chips.

There is normally a simple correspondence between groups of bits in video memory and the dots or "pixels" on the screen, such that writing to a given group of bits will alter the appearance of a single dot. If each pixel corresponds to eight bits then it can have any of 256 colours (or shades of grey on a monochrome display).

The video display electronics is responsible for reading the data from video memory and converting it into the necessary signals to drive the display.

Often this includes a colour palette which converts pixel values into RGB triplets.

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video display terminal
Video Electronics Standards Association
Video Graphics Adapter
Video Graphics Adaptor
Video Graphics Array
bitmap display
dual ported
frame buffer
graphics adaptor
Video on Demand
video RAM
video random access memory
video terminal