RFC 2161 (rfc2161) - Page 2 of 5

A MIME Body Part for ODA

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 2161                A MIME Body Part for ODA            January 1998

   Thus an appropriate header field  might look like this:

   Content-Type:  application/oda; profile=Q112; class=formatted

   Consult the ODA standard [T.411] for further information.

   The Base64 content-transfer-encoding is appropriate for carrying ODA.

1.2.  ODA - application/oda

   X.400 Body Part: ODA
   MIME Content-Type: application/oda
   Conversion: None

   The ODA body part is defined in the CCITT document T.411 [T.411],
   appendix E, section E.2, "ODA identification in the P2 protocol of

   An abbreviated version of its ASN.1 definition is:

    oda-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE
            PARAMETERS      OdaBodyPartParameters
            DATA            OdaData
            ::= id-et-oda

    OdaBodyPartParameters ::= SET {
            document-application-profile    [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER
            document-architecture-class     [1] INTEGER {
                                            formatted (0)
                                            processable (1)

    id-et-oda OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 2 8 1 0 1 }

   Mapping from X.400 to MIME, the following is done:

   The Parameters.document-application-profile is mapped onto the MIME
   parameter "profile" according to the table below.

   Profile         OBJECT IDENTIFIER

   Q112            { iso (1) identified-organization (3) ewos (16)
                     eg (2) oda (6) profile (0)  q112 (1) }

Alvestrand                 Experimental