RFC 313 (rfc313) - Page 1 of 8

Computer based instruction

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                     Tom O'Sullivan
Request for Comments: 313                                       Raytheon
NIC: 9343                                                  March 6, 1972
(CBI: 1)

                       COMPUTER BASED INSTRUCTION

   Current development of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) systems seem
   to be directed toward two types of system:

      1.)  Small to medium scale, dedicated, stand alone systems (such
      as the IBM 1130, 1500, 1800 complexes) or medium scale systems
      with dedicated network implications (such as TICKET), and

      2.)  Large, centralized, dedicated systems with dedicated network
      implications (such as PLATO).

   Some attention has been given to the application of the resources of
   a General Purpose Computer Network to CBI (e.g., the EDUCOM efforts),
   however the full implication of the use of such resources do not
   generally seem to be understood by either the CBI development centers
   (at academic institutions or at the Armed Forces training or
   development centers), where most of the current activity takes place,
   or at ARPA Network Nodes, where most of the resources reside.

   This Request For Comment has two purposes  To:

      1.)  Solicit comments from the Network Working Group, and others,
      on how selected classes of (and what specific) resources of a
      General Purpose Network might be applied to the field of Computer
      Based Instruction and

      2.)  Initiate a dialog between interested parties on the problems
      of Computer Based Instruction, not limited to, but including, the
      uses of General Purpose Computer Network resources.

   The attached paper discusses some of the applications of the
   resources of a large General Purpose Network to computer Based
   Instruction systems.  Response and discussion are encouraged through
   the NIC system.
